Valkoman i Sverige

Thursday, June 22, 2006

I am in Sweden! The past few days have been ridiculously busy and tiresome, and I am missing Stephanie and everyone desperately. Aaron Langberg, Rishi Satia, and I have been exploring Lund, Sweden, during the nights, before sun sets at 11:00. They have a drink called cider, served on tap at all the pubs, and it is delicious. Delicious.

It is so green here. The air is fresh, the buildings ancient, the people clean and organized and friendly. I like it a lot. At the same time, the Swedes are energetic and fun loving. At a pub in the hear of Lund, Herkules Bar, everyone watched the soccer game between Sweden and England. Amazing!

I’m dying of tired. As soon as I get a chance I’ll put up pictures!

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